Recently, Pastor Manny was privileged to speak at the Exalting Christ Conference hosted by Community Bible Church in Vallejo, CA. Here is an opportunity to hear this message. May Christ be glorified as we look deeper into the mind of Christ.

The Mind of the Man Christ Jesus
Philippians 2:1-8

Before the cross of Christ is the mind of Christ. And here we discover both the secret of redemption and resemblance: humility. This surest character of truest likeness to Christ, by necessity of His own pattern, is presupposed in all His other imitable virtues. Humility is not only a Christlike virtue itself, but a vessel for virtue. And since imitatio Christi is the definitive call for the Christian life, we must first internalize this mind before we seek to imitate Jesus in anything else. Humility is foundational to Christlikeness. Though imitation comes only after imputation, the justified are called to become like Him who became like us for our salvation. In the mind of Christ, deepest humility issues from highest holiness. What could be more mysterious than God humbled? And what more monstrous than man proud? In pursuit of becoming more like Christ in the power of the Spirit, for His honor and glory, this session seeks to learn of Him who is gentle and lowly in heart and humble in mind.